The hottest topic in town now. For the very first time, MOE is not going to name names of top students so that no one can get stressed over it. There are two camps out there. One group who think that how can that reduce stress. Another camp, welcomed the change.

For those who think that it cannot reduce stress are people who live in the Never Never Land. It is not just naming the students. They will name the father and his occupation, mother and her occupation. Now, let say the top student has a lawyer father and lawyer mother. Imagine a kid who didn't score good enough, he will wonder if it has to do with his bus driver father and housewife mother? Or the parents will be wondering if it has to do with their job, not able to afford tuition for their kids. So to those who say, they don't understand how it can reduce stress, I say, carry on living in your myopic world.

Those who welcome the change, I say, ask for more changes. Our society has become so engrossed with knowledge only. Scholars, top students, IP, IB….the list goes on. I think in recent years, we have seen enough stupid smart people…need not write more. One such case is still running.

Let me tell you, there are millions of students out there doing the IB programme who do not even have a T-score of 250 or 260 or 270…they don't even know what is a T-score and they are doing IB and doing very well.

If you want true talent who can give back to society, focus on the real education.

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