My pride, my honour
As I watch them grow, I am proud of what they have achieved this far. I am glad with how we have brought them up. They have grown up doing what they love. We have never pushed them into what we want but we have always allowed them to pursue their interest. We only ask them for one commitment and that is to give their best.


Kai is doing very well in the Boys Brigade. In spite of its hectic schedule, he has produced good academic result, getting the recognition and promotion and still having time to strum his guitar. Today, he received his promotion and he is now deputy platoon commander! *Salute*

Showing his pride. Getting ready to receive his promotion.

Well done!

My ballerina, my princess, my daughter. Seriously, I think God has created her to be a dancer. If music is for the soul then, like someone said, dance makes music visible!
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She is so natural when the music starts. She remembers her steps, every movement is executed with so much precision and grace. Like her name, Ann means gracious.

It is indeed an honour to be your mum. It was never easy raising both of you. You both are different, very different. I see my challenges as a means to make me stronger by the year and yes, indeed, it has.

People tell me to prepare for the rebellious teen years but you are already 14 this year, you have only become a fine young man. You are not perfect, you have your moods but those are not issues of a rebellious teen.

While your classmates are slogging away in tuition centers or with tutors, you are having fun doodling away in your room, sewing sock monsters, playing with your dog figurines. You never did worse than them, in fact, your performance was top grade. You have your crazy moments. There were times, I worried I will have no more hair to pull out but you are still my princess and the tougher it is handle you, the closer I get to God for only He will give me the wisdom to raise you.

Indeed, honoured to be your mum.

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